Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Vacation Is Over

Well, our vacation is over and Mike & I are both back at work. We had such a wonderful time with Lisa, Lawrence and the girls. I for one did not want to come back to Orlando. Mike told me on our way to their house from the airport "Ok, you can tell me you told me so. It is beautiful up here." He couldn't get over how green everything was at this time of year. I think it was good for him to go exploring on his own for a day. He enjoyed stopping and taking pictures. I can hardly wait till we can get him a 35mm camera with a zoom lense. He used to have one and I think a friend of his dropped it in a river on a hiking trip. There are so many places we want to explore when we move up there. So many more things to do outside and better weather to do it in. It was so peaceful up there compared to down here. It is such a rat race down here. I am not sorry we moved down here(although I have to keep reassuring Mike of that). We have seen alot and done alot of things we couldn't elsewhere, but I will be so glad when we get moved. So please keep us in your prayers that both families down here will be able to move next year as we are planning.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

What A Cutie!

I would have entered this post sooner, but I have been too busy spending time with Lisa, Lawrence and the girls. Juliana is such a sweetheart. I have been holding her alot of course. She is so perfectly formed. Mike & I are enjoying our stay very much; it has been so relaxing. It will be so nice when all of us are up here together and we can have a big family gathering. This will be my dream come true. Well, we are getting ready to go to the Tulip Festival. They have so many in the yards up here. They are so beautiful.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


I am so glad my vacation starts tomorrow! I really need it! I have lots to do at home, but I will have plenty of energy from being excited to get it done.
I got my packet in yesterday for my third semester exams. I will take those after my vacation and have that semester totally out of the way! Yippee!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

A NEW BUNDLE OF JOY!!!!!!!!!!!

My granddaughter, Juliana Grace Betancourt, arrived yesterday morning at 10:40am. She weighs 8 lb 9 oz and is 20 1/2 in. I am so excited about seeing her. Needless to say, I have been a little scatterbrained at work, but I am trying to pull it together so I can get everything done before I leave for vacation. I am so glad Mike is going with me this time. It's gotten harder and harder to leave him behind each time. He is looking forward to it too. I am always so relieved when I find out my daughters have come thru childbirth safely. They mean so much to me, that it is a little nervewracking till it's over with. But Lisa & Juliana are doing well.

I am asking for prayer also for my son-in-law, Pat. He got a shot in his shoulder that numbed his right arm, shoulder, part of his face, and the right side of his back. They are hoping this will allow the muscles to relax so the disk can slip back into place. So please pray and ask anyone else to also!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Happy Anniversary to Us!!!!!

Today is our 4th anniversary! We are going out to dinner to celebrate. We decided we will probably try a new place this time

Things aren't sounding real good with Pat & Laura with the insurance company. Anybody that reads this, please do some praying. Although maybe it will spur the move up for all of us. That would be a good thing! All of us can hardly wait to get out of here. Even Damian is saying he want s to go fishing in Oregon.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Good News!!!!

I am at long last done with my third semester courses. I just finished course five "Business Law". I completed it with a 98%! I am so glad to have this done. I am now waiting for my semester exam papers to come in so I can get that out of the way and get started on my final semester for my accounting degree. I have carried a 4.0 thru all three semesters. I am very proud of myself!!

Mike and I took our canoe out Sunday for the first time. We went on a 4-5 hour trip. We had a great time and greatly needed the time to just relax! We saw one large alligator sunning itself. Mike saw a baby one and another adult one that I didn't see. There were alot of turtles sunning themselves on logs, beautiful wildflowers and birds. We narrowly missed running into a dead tree in the water where a water moccasin was sunning itself. I am so thankful Mike saw it and guided us around it. I will admit I was very scared, but he handled it great!

Nine more days and Mike & I are off to Oregon to see Lisa and her family. We can hardly wait. Thank goodness I am really busy at work and the time is going by very quickly.