You Are a Traditional Christmas Tree |
For a good Christmas, you don't have to re-invent the wheel. You already have traditions, foods, and special things you bring out every year. |
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
What Kind Of Christmas Tree I Am
New Shoes!

These shoes are a Christmas present to myself from my Christmas bonus! (The picture only shows one, but rest assured that I did get both shoes. hee hee!) I have never had a pair of clogs so I have been wanting to try them. Of course, for some reason, I thought all clogs were open at the back. I didn't realize it was the style of the shoe. This pair is the Wanda style from the Dansko line of Sanita. I got them for a really good price. I wanted to try this style with the open back because I have a problem with my feet getting hot very quickly. I thought since they aren't totally enclosed it might work better. I got them in a week ago Monday and couldn't wear them until this Monday because it was up in the 80's again last week. I got to wear them Monday and Tuesday and I just love them. They seem to be the thing for me because my feet didn't get too hot. Of course today I am back in sandals because it will be in the mid 70's today.
My next pair of shoes I am going to try will be a pair of clogs that are a full shoe. Maybe I can use them on my gazelle. I love Dankso shoes now because my feet don't hurt after wearing them all day. It is the bottoms of my feet that start hurting and they hurt in tennis shoes too. That is why I am going to try to use the enclosed pair when I get them to use my gazelle. Maybe the bottoms of my feet won't hurt.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Weekly Weigh In News
First of all, I would like to thank Lisa for the christmas tree picture so my blog fits the season.
Next I want to report my progress. I have lost another pound for a total for 9 1/2 lost pounds that I don't ever want to find again. I am now down to 213 3/4 from 223 1/4. I am soooooooo happy. I am feeling much better already. I even bought a new pair of jeans last Saturday. I didn't have any good jeans that weren't getting pretty baggy. So this pair and some older ones the same size will get me by until I drop down another size. It is so great when people actually comment that I am slimming down. Not only is the calorie counting paying off, but so are my daily exercises!!!!
Next I want to report my progress. I have lost another pound for a total for 9 1/2 lost pounds that I don't ever want to find again. I am now down to 213 3/4 from 223 1/4. I am soooooooo happy. I am feeling much better already. I even bought a new pair of jeans last Saturday. I didn't have any good jeans that weren't getting pretty baggy. So this pair and some older ones the same size will get me by until I drop down another size. It is so great when people actually comment that I am slimming down. Not only is the calorie counting paying off, but so are my daily exercises!!!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Changing My Outlook on Weightloss
For those people that know me well, you know how I have struggled with my weight over the years. Here is the kicker though! I have finally come to realize that up until the past 10 years, the struggle has been with my mental image not my physical body. I have looked back at pictures of myself and can see that most of time I wasn't overweight. In fact in a lot of the pictures I have I am downright slim. Imagine that!!!!! Unfortunately during my high school years I took to heart a few careless comments made by my dad and a very close friend. Now that I can "hear" those comments with a different perspective, I realize they were only teasing. The problem was as a teenager I didn't realize that.
Now I am overweight and I am not happy about it, but I am not so hard on myself when I take backward steps. I have more reasons to want to get back into shape now. I want to be around (in good health) to enjoy more outside activities with Mike, I want to have enough energy to play with my grandkids, and I want to be able to spend a lot more years with my wonderful daughters and their hubbies and enjoy seeing them raise their children.
Up until recently, nothing I tried worked because I got bored with it to quickly. Well, Laura and I have been watching Biggest Losers on TV. I didn't really care for it at first, but then I started thinking that if these people that needed to lose a lot more weight than I do could stick with it then maybe I could. Also Laura suggested I try counting calories like they do. I always thought that would be too much trouble, but I decided to try it. Since I tend to think things out logically and it is very basic logic that in order to lose weight you have to take in fewer calories than you burn off, it is working for me. "Thank you Laura!!!" I stick to a pretty healthy diet(I hate that word) but I am learning that doesn't always mean it is low in calories. I feel much better when I eat well, so that helps too. I am smart enough to know you need a little of everything in your daily diet. I have never been one to follow fad diets. But now that I am getting the hang of calorie counting, I am finding some of the things I would think would be low in calories aren't and vice versa. So some things I thought I would have to limit more I don't and some things I don't want to waste my calories on are things I don't enjoy as much anyway. So as you can see this seems to be a win win situation for me. I am getting pretty good at guessing the amount of calories now too. I am losing the weight slowing, but I would rather do that because your body adjusts to it and it's easier to keep it off also. I didn't go overboard for Thanksgiving, but I did indulge a little more than usual, but I was surprised at how easy it was to get right back at it on Monday. So here is what I have lost so far. I started at 223 1/4 lbs and I am down to 214 3/4 lbs. Yea, 8 1/2 lbs lost so far. I didn't want to post this until I got under 215 because no matter what I have tried I couldn't seem to get below 215. I know a 1/4 lb isn't a lot, but it is still under 215. My clothes are already fitting quite a bit looser too! Mike keeps telling me all the time how much better I am looking. Also, I started out just with stretching exercises, but as I have gotten more energy and more motivation, I have started adding a few more extra exercises here and there that I do daily. And I alternate daily with and without small weights. I also bought new tubes and brake pads for out bikes so Mike can get our bikes up and going so we can start bike riding again.
It feels so good to finally have found something that is working for me and even better that I it doesn't seem a big chore to follow it. I am already feeling quite a bit better physically and have more energy. I also am enjoying seeing the physical changes in my body. You are never too old to change things!!!!!
Now I am overweight and I am not happy about it, but I am not so hard on myself when I take backward steps. I have more reasons to want to get back into shape now. I want to be around (in good health) to enjoy more outside activities with Mike, I want to have enough energy to play with my grandkids, and I want to be able to spend a lot more years with my wonderful daughters and their hubbies and enjoy seeing them raise their children.
Up until recently, nothing I tried worked because I got bored with it to quickly. Well, Laura and I have been watching Biggest Losers on TV. I didn't really care for it at first, but then I started thinking that if these people that needed to lose a lot more weight than I do could stick with it then maybe I could. Also Laura suggested I try counting calories like they do. I always thought that would be too much trouble, but I decided to try it. Since I tend to think things out logically and it is very basic logic that in order to lose weight you have to take in fewer calories than you burn off, it is working for me. "Thank you Laura!!!" I stick to a pretty healthy diet(I hate that word) but I am learning that doesn't always mean it is low in calories. I feel much better when I eat well, so that helps too. I am smart enough to know you need a little of everything in your daily diet. I have never been one to follow fad diets. But now that I am getting the hang of calorie counting, I am finding some of the things I would think would be low in calories aren't and vice versa. So some things I thought I would have to limit more I don't and some things I don't want to waste my calories on are things I don't enjoy as much anyway. So as you can see this seems to be a win win situation for me. I am getting pretty good at guessing the amount of calories now too. I am losing the weight slowing, but I would rather do that because your body adjusts to it and it's easier to keep it off also. I didn't go overboard for Thanksgiving, but I did indulge a little more than usual, but I was surprised at how easy it was to get right back at it on Monday. So here is what I have lost so far. I started at 223 1/4 lbs and I am down to 214 3/4 lbs. Yea, 8 1/2 lbs lost so far. I didn't want to post this until I got under 215 because no matter what I have tried I couldn't seem to get below 215. I know a 1/4 lb isn't a lot, but it is still under 215. My clothes are already fitting quite a bit looser too! Mike keeps telling me all the time how much better I am looking. Also, I started out just with stretching exercises, but as I have gotten more energy and more motivation, I have started adding a few more extra exercises here and there that I do daily. And I alternate daily with and without small weights. I also bought new tubes and brake pads for out bikes so Mike can get our bikes up and going so we can start bike riding again.
It feels so good to finally have found something that is working for me and even better that I it doesn't seem a big chore to follow it. I am already feeling quite a bit better physically and have more energy. I also am enjoying seeing the physical changes in my body. You are never too old to change things!!!!!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Updated Blog Site!!! YEA!!!
So, how do you all like the new look of my blog? I picked the template and then Lisa modified it for me and put the picture in. Lisa, there is just one problem. I can't go to your link from here. Also, I forgot to ask you if you could put in a link to The Urban Homesteader also. It would be much appreciated if you could do this for me! I really like this look much better.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
New Coffee Shop
For those that know me very well, you will understand why I am writing a blog about a new coffee shop. The importance of a coffee shop that I feel comfortable just hanging out relaxing started when Lisa & Laura were in high school. This was my opportunity to sit and relax and just visit with my daughters. I think they both know how important that was to me and it still is. I know it's a bit more difficult now with them having little ones of their own to go and just hang out at the coffee shop. But the significance of it is probably why I still love the atmosphere of a coffee shop. But it can't be just any coffee shop, it has to have the right atmosphere. I had been going to Scupa's(sometimes with Laura, Laura, Pat and the kiddos, and sometimes with Mike) for about 4 years if I remember correctly. Earlier this year, due to family member health problems, Johnny sold Scupa's and the new owner is strictly in it for the money. Yes, I know people go into business to make money, but Johnny loved visiting with his customers and treated them like family. He is an older Italian guy and is just a great person. He loved seeing all of us come in together, because he really enjoyed seeing families spend time together. So I think you can see why I have missed that so much. About a week ago one of my co-workers was googling something and asked me to come see a website she ran across. Yeah, it was for a coffee shop she thought I might be interested in. It has an unusual name "The Drunken Monkey Coffee Bar". I think I have found my coffee shop again. It just opened up the day she found it on the internet. Not only is it a relaxing place, but their coffee drinks(except for soymilk, etc) are made with organic milk. They serve veggie, vegan and organic foods. I am not into the first two, but the organic part I do like. So I have finally found another place I can take a book, have a latte and sit and relax. Finally!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Saturday, September 08, 2007
8th Annniversary at my job!!!!
I can't believe it: 8 years with this company. I would never have envisioned being with them that long, but I have been. I have seen alot of changes take place and I have seen alot of people come and go over the past 8 years. I was going over some of the things that have happened during those 8 years. Here are a few.
1. I have gained 3 more grandchildren
2. Mike and I got married
3. I have obtained my Associates Degree in Accounting
4. Went thru 9/11 with the rest of our country
5. I have lost 4 family members, 2 very dear long-time friends and several other friends
6. I have met alot of wonderful people at work and away from work. I am fortunate to have
a number of great relationships with people I work with.
7. Mike and I have paid for our trailer and have purchased the land it is on(still paying for it
of course. lol)
8. I have my dream car; a 2001 Sebring convertible, gold w/black cloth top. We are both
really enjoying it.
9. We just got Mike a good truck this year. 1996, red, F-350 Ford, turbo diesel with dual
cab and utility bed.
10. I have been thru a lot of personal growth and have much more confidence in myself than
I used to have. I have also learned to be much more accepting of myself.
11. I have done a lot of traveling. Numerous cross-country trips to see Lisa and her family. A
number of trips to New Mexico to see my mom while she was still living.
12. Our family held it's first Family Reunion.
I could go on and on, but I think I hit the major points.
I received a very good evaluation this year. My supervisor took me to lunch(we always get an
anniversary lunch) and it was very enjoyable. Mike and I went out to celebrate last night and had a wonderful, relaxing evening.
I would like to thank everyone that has been part of my life, especially these past 8 years, since that what this post is about.
Now, on with the next 8 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. I have gained 3 more grandchildren
2. Mike and I got married
3. I have obtained my Associates Degree in Accounting
4. Went thru 9/11 with the rest of our country
5. I have lost 4 family members, 2 very dear long-time friends and several other friends
6. I have met alot of wonderful people at work and away from work. I am fortunate to have
a number of great relationships with people I work with.
7. Mike and I have paid for our trailer and have purchased the land it is on(still paying for it
of course. lol)
8. I have my dream car; a 2001 Sebring convertible, gold w/black cloth top. We are both
really enjoying it.
9. We just got Mike a good truck this year. 1996, red, F-350 Ford, turbo diesel with dual
cab and utility bed.
10. I have been thru a lot of personal growth and have much more confidence in myself than
I used to have. I have also learned to be much more accepting of myself.
11. I have done a lot of traveling. Numerous cross-country trips to see Lisa and her family. A
number of trips to New Mexico to see my mom while she was still living.
12. Our family held it's first Family Reunion.
I could go on and on, but I think I hit the major points.
I received a very good evaluation this year. My supervisor took me to lunch(we always get an
anniversary lunch) and it was very enjoyable. Mike and I went out to celebrate last night and had a wonderful, relaxing evening.
I would like to thank everyone that has been part of my life, especially these past 8 years, since that what this post is about.
Now, on with the next 8 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, July 08, 2007
I had a wonderful visit with Lisa, Lawrence and the girls. It was so wonderful being able to celebrate Lisa's birthday with her.
It was a very, very busy week. We went to my favorite breakfast place there, which is The Wildwood Cafe. They have fabulous french toast. I got to find a tanglebox with Lisa and the girls. (You can check out her blog to see what that is.) I wish there had been time to look for more of them. Friday morning Maddy and I walked downtown and had breakfast together at Cornerstone Coffee. Then she helped me find Lisa's birthday presents. We did a lot of walking to get them, alot of it in the rain. I enjoyed this time with Maddy and it was nice to be able to walk in the rain without worrying about lightening like you have to in Orlando. Friday night we went to the exhibition from Art Conspiracy that Maddy was in. Her watercolor pictures were great! She did a watercolor of chili peppers for Lisa's birthday that was really good. You should see the house she made a model for in her architecture class. I had alot of fun playing Quiddler with Maddy and Maddy and Lisa. Isabel and I had fun while we played Crazy Faces(a child's version of crazy eights.) I finally watched the new "Phantom of the Opera" with Isabel. This is her favorite movie. Juliana is a riot. She repeats everything the other two girls say and mimics what they do. Not that she doesn't have her own personality. She is very much her own person. I had fun just watching all three of the girls together.
Lisa's birthday party was a great success! She is a wonderful hostess and as we all know a fabulous cook! I helped with what I could, but she gets all of the kuddos for the success of her birthday party! It was great and the weather held up nicely for it. You should try the Frozen Honeydew Mojitos she made. Yummy! and very refreshing too! I want the recipe for her Herb Potato Salad. I am not big on potato salad anymore, but this is fantastic.
I didn't get to spend much time with Lawrence this year, but the reason for it is a very good reason and I am extremely happy for them. Their business is doing very well and he was very busy. This is a very good thing!
I had a very good time with all of them! Of course, as always, it was very hard to say goodbye! If all goes as planned though, Laura, Damian, Cheyanne and I will be up there in May for James and Sarah's wedding.
It was a very, very busy week. We went to my favorite breakfast place there, which is The Wildwood Cafe. They have fabulous french toast. I got to find a tanglebox with Lisa and the girls. (You can check out her blog to see what that is.) I wish there had been time to look for more of them. Friday morning Maddy and I walked downtown and had breakfast together at Cornerstone Coffee. Then she helped me find Lisa's birthday presents. We did a lot of walking to get them, alot of it in the rain. I enjoyed this time with Maddy and it was nice to be able to walk in the rain without worrying about lightening like you have to in Orlando. Friday night we went to the exhibition from Art Conspiracy that Maddy was in. Her watercolor pictures were great! She did a watercolor of chili peppers for Lisa's birthday that was really good. You should see the house she made a model for in her architecture class. I had alot of fun playing Quiddler with Maddy and Maddy and Lisa. Isabel and I had fun while we played Crazy Faces(a child's version of crazy eights.) I finally watched the new "Phantom of the Opera" with Isabel. This is her favorite movie. Juliana is a riot. She repeats everything the other two girls say and mimics what they do. Not that she doesn't have her own personality. She is very much her own person. I had fun just watching all three of the girls together.
Lisa's birthday party was a great success! She is a wonderful hostess and as we all know a fabulous cook! I helped with what I could, but she gets all of the kuddos for the success of her birthday party! It was great and the weather held up nicely for it. You should try the Frozen Honeydew Mojitos she made. Yummy! and very refreshing too! I want the recipe for her Herb Potato Salad. I am not big on potato salad anymore, but this is fantastic.
I didn't get to spend much time with Lawrence this year, but the reason for it is a very good reason and I am extremely happy for them. Their business is doing very well and he was very busy. This is a very good thing!
I had a very good time with all of them! Of course, as always, it was very hard to say goodbye! If all goes as planned though, Laura, Damian, Cheyanne and I will be up there in May for James and Sarah's wedding.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Another Step Towards Our Goal!!!
We paid off another credit card this weekend. That makes two paid off so far. On to the next! It feels so good to be making this progress.
Two weeks from today at this time, I will be in the air on the way to see Lisa and her family. I can hardly wait. It will be so nice to spend her birthday with her.
Two weeks from today at this time, I will be in the air on the way to see Lisa and her family. I can hardly wait. It will be so nice to spend her birthday with her.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Yeah! I have my tickets!
I am so excited. I finally purchased my airline tickets yesterday for my trip up to Oregon. Lisa and I have been keeping an eye on prices. They were up to +/- $500. Yesterday, Southwest prices dropped and I got mine for $335. A whole lot better!
I am going up to spend Lisa's "30th" birthday with her. I am soooooooo excited. I haven't gotten to spend her birthday with her since 1998. She gave me some gift ideas but said Maddy is the one to ask. So, I'm thinking Maddy and Nana may be going on a little shopping trip up there.
I am going up to spend Lisa's "30th" birthday with her. I am soooooooo excited. I haven't gotten to spend her birthday with her since 1998. She gave me some gift ideas but said Maddy is the one to ask. So, I'm thinking Maddy and Nana may be going on a little shopping trip up there.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
WE NEED LOTS OF RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Firefighters are fighting over 210 brush fires in Florida. It is so dry here. They say this is the worst drought since 1932, if I remember correctly. There were ashes on the top of my car this morning that had blown in from the fires. The sky looks horrible. Please pray we get rain here!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Blasted Insurane Companies!!!!!!!!
I would like to call them something else, but I will be nice. I realized Sunday morning that we hadn't gotten our bill for our homeowners insurance yet. So I looked at the letter I received from them way back on March 5th and realized our policy expired on April 27th. Now if that wasn't bad enough, our insurance company has no grace period. This is a state funded insurance company(and if it's state funded, why do I have to pay premiums!!!!!! It may be run by the state, but I guarantee they don't fund it in any way!) Anyway, this is the only company that will insure us since the 3 hurricanes in 1 season hit here because we have an old mobile home that was built in 1972. So we are pretty much !&@#* I think you get the picture. Our insurance more than doubled since last year because we have to carry different coverage than we had because they somehow failed to realize we live in an old subdivision rather than on a piece of land away from everything. So, we can no longer carry insurance just on the structure and general liability(to satisfy the requirements on the contract on our land purchase).
Sorry, I just needed to vent. I have an appointment this afternoon with them, so at least we will be meeting the agreement we made with the man we are purchasing the land from and our house and contents will once again be insured. For a hefty sum of course! lol
Sorry, I just needed to vent. I have an appointment this afternoon with them, so at least we will be meeting the agreement we made with the man we are purchasing the land from and our house and contents will once again be insured. For a hefty sum of course! lol
Monday, April 16, 2007
Productive Weekend!!!!
Yesterday we got new tires put on my car. We both feel a lot safer now, because one of the tires was pretty bad. It had been wearing unevenly due to a bent rim. It was that way when we bought the car. Mike bought a replacement rim on E-Bay. A lot cheaper than the dealer wanted, about 1/3 of the dealer price.
Also, I finally got our income tax return submitted online yesterday and mailing the check today. It feels good to get that out of the way.
We finally got some much needed rain this weekend. We have been under a "fire watch" for awhile now. We still need a lot more rain, but this helped and the grass looks better all around here.
Also, I finally got our income tax return submitted online yesterday and mailing the check today. It feels good to get that out of the way.
We finally got some much needed rain this weekend. We have been under a "fire watch" for awhile now. We still need a lot more rain, but this helped and the grass looks better all around here.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Talk about time going by fast! Mike and I just celebrated our 6th anniversary Saturday, April 7th. We had a wonderful day together. We drove up to St. Augustine. While we were there we toured San Sebastian Winery and sampled their wine. We also bought some as an anniversary present to ourselves. We found a cute little coffee shop after that and sat out on their patio and enjoyed our coffee drinks. Then we had a wonderful Seafood Paella at A1A Ale House. We even got to sit at the same table we sat at when we spent the weekend there 5 years ago, with a wonderful view looking out at the ocean. It was a very good day and very relaxing. We enjoyed it very much!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Good & Bad
The good part is we finally got our property taxes paid this past weekend. Almost a thousand dollars. Whew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The bad part is a telephone call I received Saturday night from a longtime friend, Susie. She called to tell me her brother died on February 6th and her mom died just last Monday, March 12th. This news hit me pretty hard. I can't even imagine what it must be like for her losing her brother and mother so close together. I hadn't seen either of them for quite a while, but in high school most of the time I was at their house or she was at our house. Her parents were like another set of parents to me.
The bad part is a telephone call I received Saturday night from a longtime friend, Susie. She called to tell me her brother died on February 6th and her mom died just last Monday, March 12th. This news hit me pretty hard. I can't even imagine what it must be like for her losing her brother and mother so close together. I hadn't seen either of them for quite a while, but in high school most of the time I was at their house or she was at our house. Her parents were like another set of parents to me.
Monday, February 19, 2007
In January I went over a plan with Mike to get our bills paid off, especially credit cards. So I started on it last month and yesterday I paid off our first credit card! What a tremendous feeling. It is amazing what you can do once you set up a plan and decide to stick to it. So we plan to keep the ball rolling.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
This will be a very short entry because this month is the busiest month for me at work; closing out the previous year. I would just like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I am claiming this year as a wonderful year for us! I am finally ready to accept all the good God wants to give us. Took me a long time to figure it out, but I say "Better late than never". I pray for good health and prosperity for all of you!
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