Friday, December 12, 2008
Sewing and Personality Tests!
I took the personality test that Lisa blogged about. I am ISTJ - Introverted, Sensing, Thinking and Judging. It said ISTJs are "responsible, loyal and hard working. They have an acute sense of right and wrong and work hard at preserving established norms and traditions. Because of their deep sense of duty they are dedicated to everything they do and are very dependable. They care deeply for those closest to them." I think this is quite accurate for me. It also said (along with another test I took) that I am ISFJ - Introverted, Sensing, Feeling and Judging. ISFJs are "traditional, loyal, quiet and kind. They are very sensitive to other people's needs because they are very observant. They have rich inner thoughts and emotions. They value stability and cultural norms. They are very adept at giving attention to detail. They do not seek positions of authority." I would have to say this is quite accurate also. Interestingly enough, my job as an accountant is one of the career matches for this personality. Thanks for posting about this, I thought it was very interesting. I enjoyed reading about your test results also. I thought it was interesting to find that Angelina and I had one of the same results - ISFJ. For the ISTJ, it says 12% of the population have this type and for ISFJ, 10% of the population have this one.
Thanks again, Lisa. I encourage anybody to take this. You might find out more about yourself than you realize!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! I wish we could be spending this day with all of our family, but I am grateful to be able to spend it with Laura and her family. I am going to do something I don't do very often. There are so many things I am grateful for this year that I decided to list some of them.
1.I have a wonderful family - That includes my husband, daughters, sons-in-law, grandchildren, brothers and sisters
and their spouses, nieces and nephews and their spouses and their children. I hope I didn't leave anyone out. I am
truly blessed to have all these people in my life.
2. With today's economy, I am especially happy to have a good job with good benefits.
3. Mike has a new job (he has had it for about 4 weeks now.) So he is working full time again.
4. I am thankful we have a home.
5. I was rear-ended on the way home Monday night, but I am grateful I wasn't injured, my car didn't get a huge amount
of damage, and the woman called her insurance company and told them it was her fault, so I don't have to haggle
over getting it fixed.
6. I am grateful for all the friends I have. Two particular friends at work have become a tremendous support system for
me when I need it. We call ourselves "The Three Musketeers".
7. We have a wonderful neighbor that has become like a second mom to Mike and me. She also watches over our
home while we are at work. She is a delightful person.
8. I said for a long time that I would never have any more pets, but we have 2 cats now and I am glad we have them.
They are very entertaining to watch.
9. I am grateful to be blessed with good health.
10. I am grateful to be able to worship how I choose. I don't mean to put this at the bottom of the list, but I believe if it
weren't for God watching over me and blessing me I wouldn't have this list of things to be grateful for.
My life is truly blessed! I hope you all have a wonderful day! I send my love to all of you!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Delightful Phone call!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Blue Skies!!!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Another Treat!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Pleasant Surprise!
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
I'm still around!
Well, we are officially 3 days into the hurricane season. Oh yeah! hehe Please pray that we don't get hit with any of them. I know we need the rain from the hurricanes, but if they will just stay out over the water and send the rain over the land, that would be super.
Hope you all have a good day!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Today Laura, Cheyanne, Damian and I are making our 2nd trip to a Farmer's Market near downtown. Laura went on line and found some for us to check out, but this is the only one that makes sense for us due to the distance. They have in in one corner of a very nice park so that is nice. We tried it last Sunday but didn't get to check it out alot. We want to spend more time looking today and seeing what all they have.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Anniversary Celebrated!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Happy Birthday To Me!
I just can't believe I am already 57 years old. It just doesn't seem possible, the time has gone by so fast. Also, I just don't feel like I should be yet. I guess that is a good thing! I hear a lot of people say they feel a lot older than they are. I feel a lot younger than I am.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Friday's weigh-in
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Seven Weird Things About Me
Oh my, do I have to limit it to 7 things? hehe Lisa tagged me to do this, so here it goes. Also, I have gotten to where I don't care if people think I am weird anymore. Growing up people used to think I was weird just because I was part of the "Philhower" clan. In my forties looking back, I think kthey were just jealous because no matter what problems our family had, we stuck together and we did alot of things as a family. So here goes!
*I keep a regular plate, saucer, bowl and a set of utensils at work to eat my lunch on. I don't like to waste paper or styrofoam plates.
*I don't like to sit around and watch a lot of TV. It doesn't relax me, it bores me and I get fidgety. I prefer just to watch the programs I enjoy and then do something else.
*When I run errands on weekends, I don't care if I don't wear powder and blush, but I have to put on earrings or I feel "naked".
*I like to eat leftover steak cold. Sometimes I prefer it over eating it when it is freshly grilled. I don't think this is weird but alot of people think eating cold steak is weird for some reason.
*I don't dry most of my clothes all the way. I dry them enough to fluff them to get the wrinkles out and then I hang them up to finish drying.
*Living in a hurricane state hasn't gotten me used to them, instead I get freaked out about getting separated from Mike or Laura, Pat and the kiddos.
*I prefer the looks of a hard working, calloused hand man over a pretty boy manicured hand looks.
Well, I did it. I had to do more thinking on it than I thought I would. Given time, I am sure I could come up with alot more weird things abou me. Now I am going to tag
Laura and Cathy.
Friday, February 15, 2008
More progress
I brought my kitty, Buddy, home Sunday evening. He is settling in very well and likes to play and snuggle with both Mike and me. He likes to sleep snuggled somewhere between Mike and me. I will try to post a picture of him sometime this weekend. He is really cute!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
I Have My Car Back!!!!!!!! Yippee!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Laura for getting Cheyanne up early every morning and you two taking me to work. I also have a very nice friend at work that went out of her way to take me home almost every day. My supervisor helped me out with a ride a few times also. I am grateful to all of them.
Friday, February 01, 2008
Good Weigh-in Day!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
It's A Small World!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Time to get back in touch with some things!
I haven't wanted pets for a long time. I have used excuses for this too! They are too much trouble, who will care for them if we aren't at home, I am allergic to their dander(which is true, but I am allergic to alot of other things I can't get away from) and on and on. Deep down I have known the reason for a long time. I have lost so many pets over the years, dealt with dogs and cats of the girls getting run over, wounded in fights with other animals and so on. The last pet I lost though we believe was from someone being vindicive. Lisa and Laura, I am sure you know I am referring to Midnight. Laura gave me this black lab mix because she didn't want me to be lonely since Lisa was already gone and Laura was gone alot of the time. Midnight mysteriously got off our property(which he didn't even like to do when I would try to get him to.)Lisa, Lawrence, Laura and I kept looking for him and Lisa and Lawrence found him just off the main highway. He had been struck by a vehicle and died. We will leave it at that, other than I am still grateful for Lawrence's help in taking care of the matter and Lisa, Lawrence, and Laura's support in dealing with the loss. It still makes me cry as I am typing this blog. But it is time to move on. Loss is a part of life and I can't avoid that without losing pleasure in other areas. So, I will be coming the owner of a cute little kitty named Buddy. He is the runt of the litter that Laura & Pat's cats had. They are keeping him for another week or so then Mike and I will bring him home. I have always preferred cats over dogs. When we bring him here, I will have Mike take a picture of Buddy and I and I will post it for you to see.