Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Busy, busy, busy!!!!!!!!!

I finally got my first lesson done on my new course "Intermediate Accountting II". I got a 95%. This is another hard course, but I only have five more lessons to go now.
Laura is an official Jafra Skincare Consultant now. We got her signed up Saturday night. We have a Spa Pamper Session set up for Sunday afternoon. We let everyone do mini-pedicures to try out the spa products. We are preparing for a 2 day Holiday Open House, so please keep us in your prayers that it is prosperous in leads and $$. We would appreciate it very much!
Laura and I are so excited. Lisa fashioned "Mama" bags for us with a divider in the middle so we have a purse and mini Jafra office. She is so creative. She has already finished them and they are on their way to us. Please check out her business site: www.mymorningglory.com.


Laura said...

I am so happy that I finally got signed up. And I'm so excited about the bags.

Lisa said...

They should arrive tomorrow. Hope you guys like them.