Above is Isabel's nightgown and matching pillow.
On the right are Juliana's pj's and pillow.
The pj bottoms and pillow above are Damian's.
This is Cheyanne's nightgown and pillow on the right.
I really enjoyed sewing all of these. I haven't sewn since Lisa and Laura were in elementary school so you can all guess how long that has been. But it all came back to me quickly. Laura was a big help at Joann Fabrics in selecting patterns and the right fabrics for each one. Now I am ready to get going on another project. I feel like something long dormant has come alive in me again. I have come up with an idea to use the left over fabric for. After I make a couple I will post more pictures for you all to sew.
Wow, those are great pictures and sewing projects! :)The colors wre really nice and I am sure that they enjoyed their gifts.
How are you doing? I miss you lots!
Thank you! They all loved them. I really had fun with the whole project.
I have been going thru a lot of ups and downs but God will see me thru it. When I am ready I will share with the family.
I miss you too. I miss everybody and hope to be able to visit. My first priority is getting up to see Lisa and her family. I haven't been able to go up for almost 2 years. Way to long.
Love, Aunt Evie
I will be praying for you! It is so nice that we have a Savior to lean upon in hard times. :)
Hope you can see Lisa and her family soon!
I love you tons!!! It was really nice to hear from you again! :)
your loving 'niece',
Thank you! I appreciate all prayers. Believe me I know that it is God that is getting me thru all this. I also have a very large support network which helps a lot. I love you too and miss all of you. Love, Aunt Evie
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