Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I have finished my "Accounting Spreadsheet Fundamentals" course with a 93%. I only have two more courses left for my degree. I am going to get started on my first lesson today!

Laura & I held our first Jafra Skincare Party a week ago. We had so much fun! Only a couple of people ended up making it but we still had almost $200 in sales. I thought that was pretty good for our first class with just a couple people. It was a very good training session for us too. The party we had booked for this past Sunday got rescheduled. It was probably for the best since we started getting bad weather due to Hurricane Wilma. We have another party this Saturday. We are really looking forward to it! Thanks so much again for everybody's support.

I am having Lisa make us mama bags. It will be a divided bag for a dual purpose of purse & mini-office for Jafra calendar, catalogs and brochures. I am so excited about it. I am enjoying working with her figuring out exactly how we want it and she searched for material for us. That was so helpful because I just don't have the patience for that. I don't know if you have checked out her website for her mama bags, but she does a wonderful job with them. She is so talented! I can hardly wait to show them off to people. And of course I will keep some of her business cards with me so people can order from her.

I almost forgot to say how well Mike's job is going. He is so much happier and looks like he will actually be making more money at this job! That is always a nice bonus! The fact that he is happier and more relaxed is the most important part to me!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Moving Right Along!

It's been a long time since I have made an entry. I was working on my "Intermediate Accounting I(Financial Analysis) course. It required a lot of work and concentration, but I finished it last Thursday! I finished it with a 95% for the course. Now I am already on Lesson 2 of my "Fundamentals of Spreadsheets" course. This is an easy course and I should be done in about a week.
Another reason I didn't update my blog is Mike lost his job the middle of September. I didn't want to be entering a depressed blog entry. He had another job before the end of the month. It has been tough financially because he has to pay for supplies and then get reimbursed for them. We will get his first paycheck this Friday, so things will ease up now. Friday night he said he really enjoys what he is doing. I haven't heard him say that in a long, long time. So, with the old saying "One door closes and another opens". That seems to be the case here. He is much less stressed with this job.
Another bright note! With the end nearing on obtaining my degree, I knew I needed to do something or get really bored. I don't want to take any more courses right now either. Also, I would like to make some extra money to help get bills paid off so we can eventually move up to Oregon. I thought about it for quite awhile. The thing I thought I could make the most at is, of course, a bookkeeping or accounting job on the side. That doesn't appeal to me, since I really don't like it that much all week long. I would like to do something I can have fun doing. Mike has asked me a number of times why I don't get back in with Jafra Cosmetics since I talk about it so much. He also asked me what job I have enjoyed the most over the years. I was with Jafra about 21 years ago, but that sticks in my mind more than anything else. I loved what I did and interacting with other people. Laura needs to make extra money too, so we got together and discussed going into business together. We enjoy doing things together and thought it would be much easier if we had each other's support and help. Both Mike and Pat are completely supportive on this venture for us. We also thought it would be much safer if we hold night skincare sessions. I am now an official Jafra Skincare Consultant. Laura and I went to a Jafra meeting in Vero Beach called a W.O.W. meeting. It stands for "Wonder of Women". I had forgotten how good it felt to be in a room with so much positive energy. We both just loved it. We have our first skincare class scheduled for this coming Saturday and another on Sunday night of the following week. It is such a joy to watch someone open up as Laura has been doing with Jafra. She thought she would have a hard time, but when you believe in what you are doing, it comes so easily. She has already been telling alot of people at her work place and has already sold some Jafra products and she isn't even signed up yet. I think that is great. We are going to get her signed up with proceeds from our classes. We both have set a goal of becoming managers and replacing our present jobs with Jafra. I did it 21 years ago, so I know I can do it again. We are both very excited and ready to get going. Mike and I fixed up the extra bedroom for my "Jafra" office. I am prepared for it to take off running for us. I told Mike once I decided to get back into Jafra that I felt like I had "come back home". In fact I have a separate hotmail address now for my Jafra business. It is " We set up separate e-mail accounts since we know we will have to split off after we get going with our own consultants. I will keep you all posted on our success! There are very few consultants in Orlando so we have a wide open market! Orlando, watch out cuz here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!