Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I'm still around!

I just thought I would let everyone know I am still alive and kicking. I haven't posted anything for awhile because I really don't have anything to post about. I have been fighting depression a lot during the past couple of months and I really don't want to let that spill over into my blog if I can help it. It is a very wearing thing, as any of you that have that problem know. I do much better at it now though. I can generally catch myself before I go down into and pull myself up by the bootstraps and level out. But it is still very tiring. I actually haven't really fallen down into an actual depression for a number of years, so I give myself a lot of credit for that. Whew, I actually feel better now just blogging about it. It is much better than pretending it is something I don't have to deal with.

Well, we are officially 3 days into the hurricane season. Oh yeah! hehe Please pray that we don't get hit with any of them. I know we need the rain from the hurricanes, but if they will just stay out over the water and send the rain over the land, that would be super.

Hope you all have a good day!