Sunday, February 19, 2006


WOO HOO!!! I have finally done it! I finished my last course in obtaining my associates degree in accounting. All I have left to do is take my fourth semester exam as soon as they send it to me. I completed this course in record time and with 6 straight 100's on my tests. I cannot begin to tell you what a relief it is to be done finally! I find it necessary to put this in my blog(taking into account of how I used to feel about myself). 'I AM VERY PROUD OF MYSELF!!!! And I know now I'm a lot smarter than I spent most of my life thinking I was. With all that has gone on in the past 4 1/2 years, I have still maintained A's all along. I was looking at my grades Thursday after I finished. I didn't realize that I had 4 courses out of 20 with straight 100's on all my tests. Only one course was a 90 and the rest were in between, of course.
I am going to chill out for about a week and then I am going to put my extra time and energy into Laura's and my Jafra business. I set my goals for the year, and I already met that in finishing my last course. Now I am on to bigger and better (and a lot more fun than studying) things!