Friday, March 17, 2006

Fourth Semester Exmas

Yeah, I have my fourth semester exams out of the way. The college finally sent them and they arrived Wed. night. I was going to wait till the weekend to take them, but I was so hyped up about getting it over I decided to take them last light. I am glad I did! Now I don't have that looming ahead of me for the weekend. I feel very positive about them too! I will post the results as soon as I get them back. Thanks again for everyone's support.
Our Jafra business is starting to pick up. We held A Spa Pampering session 2 weeks ago and booked another from that for next Saturday. We have also had leads passed to us from our manager and another client from my Jafra website. We each have a website with Jafra. Mine is and Laura's is . It is thru the main Jafra website so all of them are alike except our names and information, of course.
I hope you all have a good weekend! I certainly intend to!!!!!